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Messages - i4Ni

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Tips and tricks / Collection of tips and tricks
« on: October 22, 2018, 01:18:13 pm »
This collection is in NO specific order and has to be organized.

Tip #1: Upgrade Buildings

The game allows you to have a maximum of 2 building queues. In order to grow fast, you want to keep both these queues busy as much as possible in order to grow fast. The upgrades get expensive very quickly so the only way to keep both the queues busy later in the game is to use farm accounts. (I’ll do a separate post later showing you how to set up farm accounts)

Tip #2: Train Troops

This is the easiest way to get power in the game. You should make sure that you’re always training troops so that your power increases over time. However, Training a lot of troops will increase your upkeep substantially. So, if your not an aggressive player then you should only train enough troops to fill up all of your marches so that you can send them all out to rob resources. If however, you’re an aggressive player and attack a lot of other players, then you should train a lot of troops so that you have plenty of them to do the attacks.

Tip #3: Investment

The invest center gives you a wide variety of properties to invest in. You can invest in them based on your play style. Again, the cost of these investments go up pretty quickly so you’ll need a lot of resources later in the game for doing these investments.

Tip #4: Leader Level

Every time your leader levels up, you get a small boost in power. Always check your inventory for those experience items which you can use to gain experience. It’ll help you level up your leader quickly especially early on in the game.

Tip #5: Defense Weapons

Building higher level defense weapons will give you more power. You can increase the maximum capacity of your defense weapons by upgrading your wall. If you have 67 skill points, you’ll be able to unlock the ‘craftsman’ skill, which will allow you to build 500 defense weapons for free every 4 hours. The defense weapons built using this skill will be based on the highest level you can build in the security center. So, the higher your security center level is, the better this skill will work.

Tip #6: Equipment

You get a small power boost for equipping better equipment. The higher the equipment level & the better it’s quality, the more power you get for equipping it. Make sure you’re always robbing gems at the lapidary complex so that you can craft better equipment quickly. Investing in the ‘gem making speedup’ property will increase the speed of gem making and can reduce the time for making a green quality gem from 8 hours to 5 hours 20 minutes, so max this property out whenever you can.

Tip #7: Building tips

Now this is controversial as everyone has had their fair of success stories with different builds. I currently have 4 accounts and my highest is at 10 mil power in world 248, which I've had for quite some time. Im my experience having the maximum allowed quantity of clubs and hospitals built AND MAXED with the current mansion level at the given time is crucial to your amount of troops trained at one time.  ALL buildings are important to build and max out but in my experience the key buildings are Mansion ( of course ), Wall, Diner, and Barracks. Each needing requirements that need to be leveled as well, with that said... The faster you can hustle to get to AT-LEAST Mansion 16 the better you will be in the long run.. To each build there is a give and take, Pros to this is that the final outcome is better as you gain stronger troops faster when you rush Mansion levels.. The Cons is that well, your rushed, you didn't take the time to slowly raise your turf leveled, so Not rushing takes longer and your turf gets stronger with all buildings maxed. Rushing you get power faster but, you'd have to go back and level buildings up slowly. Again this is controversial but its worked for me and continues to work for me.

Tip #8: Clan placed Hospital

From experience the Clan placed hospital is a double edged sword. Yes, you save troops as you have an industrial sized hospital to hoard your almost dead troops while you SLOWLY and painfully heal them with days and days of donating... Yes... Donating... The clan Hospital is great for helping you NOT loose your valuable troops you spent so many hours waiting..  I HONESTLY suggest donating ALOT and saving your clan points dont spend them UNLESS there is REAAALLLLY something you need.. Healing your troops from the Clan hospital is EXPENSIVE and some would rather just retrain whats lost.. but you cant retrain, they will remain in the hospital until you heal them.. Just hoard up the points you get from the donation section, besides it helps the clan when you donate and eventually you will thank me with this tip on hoarding your points..

Tip #9: Server time

Finding the server time can be quite confusing and Thanks to KingPin MrLycus, heres how.. By clicking on your photo on the upper left of your main screen, then clicking settings on the lower right ( most of us know this as if were going to switch accounts ). The server date and time are located at the top of that screen. !Thanks!

The Hive / General chat area
« on: October 22, 2018, 12:48:13 pm »
Please feel free to use this area to discuss off topic events. Anything that related to another thread you  must use that thread.

Alliances and Naps / Allies, NAP List & Additional Information
« on: October 22, 2018, 12:42:35 pm »
Clan Leaders:
Queeen Pinnnnnn & Biggids

ESL    GUN    BOS    bea    FRD    cor   

Th1    LGD

DQN    DQ2

UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES are these alliances and naps to be attacked spied or taunted in anyway. We will NOT pride ourselves in being rule breakers or instigators. Members caught breaking this sacred rule will suffer consequences.  If in any case an alliance or Nap attacks you first you are NOT to retaliate before getting an OK from our Warlord. ANY attacks made to clans MUST be approved by him.  Ranks are given here for a reason, use them as they are intended. This clan is NOT about YOU it is about US. Dont put US in a position that YOU started without permission. This game is about politics aswell...

Rules and Regulations / Rules and Regulations
« on: October 22, 2018, 12:25:44 pm »
Rules and Regulations are set in place to keep peace and structure in the server and in the clan. Please do your best to follow the rules below, any questions please see an R4 ingame.

Online activities:
24 Hours inactive: Demotion
48 Hours inactive: Kick (Unless inactive member informs an R4 of his/her absence in advance. R4's will reach out and if there is no response, the member will be kicked.)

Alliances and Naps:
Alliances and NAPs ( Non Aggression Pacts ) are set in place for protection and for growth in power/ranks. It is imperative that we do not break these bonds as they are extremely important for the development of the clan and server as a whole. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCE can an Alliance or NAP be attacked without consent from our warlord. Attacking allied clans or naps can and will have consequences.

Donations are a must, a minimum of 25,000 a week is required from every member, one full donation per day is enough to easily reach that goal so there should be no excuses. Donations help the clan grow and provides us with a stocked clan store. Please do your best in donating to help our family grow.

Attacks on other clans:
It is important that we DO NOT attack other clans without permission from the Warlord or other R4s. It is easy to loose ourselves in power and prey on weaker clans, but weaker clans can have strong allies. Players with NO CLANS are fair game to attack at will.

During Kill Events Naps and Allies are not allowed to be attacked, if you are attacked please contact Warlord to coordinate a retaliation. This maintains us peaceful, there are plenty of No Clans and non allied clans out there to make your points.

Clan Hive:
Each member is required to make his way to the hive via clan teleport invite, advanced teleport or 2000 Gold if the later options are not available to you. We MUST all reside in the hive for bonus benefits and protection.

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